Thoughts on the Gita by Swami Vivekananda


Thoughts on the Gita by Swami Vivekananda

Thoughts on the Gita by Swami Vivekananda

During his sojourn in Calcutta in 1897 , Swami Vivekananda used to stay for the most part at the Math, the head quarters of the Ramakrishna Mission , located then at Alambazar . During this time, several young men, who had been gathered round him and took the vows of Brahmacharya and Sannyasa , and Swamiji began to train them for future work , by holding classes on the Gita and Vedanta , and initiating them into the practices of meditation . In one of these classes he talked eloquently in Bengali on the Gita . The first chapter, " Thoughts on the Gita " is the translation of the summary of the discourse as it was entered in the Math diary . The passages appended to this chapter, and those at the end of the last one are from diffrent volumes of Complete Works . The next four chapters are reproduced from the Vedanta and the West .

Paperback, 92 pp

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