Advaita Makaranda: The Nectar of Non-duality


Advaita Makaranda: The Nectar of Non-duality

Advaita Makaranda: The Nectar of Non-duality

The Advaita Makaranda The Nectar of Non-duality of Sri Lakshmidhara Kavi is an overlooked diamond, hidden in the treasury of Vedanta literature. The text points to our present experience the experience of the ordinary soul and shows how the highest truth is revealed even there, if only we look. As Swami Vivekananda said, Don't seek God, just see Him. The Advaita Makaranda teaches us to see the Truth, here and now.

The translation and commentary are provided by Swami Atmarupananda, Minister of the Vedanta Society of Greater Houston, USA, a branch center of the Ramakrishna Order.

Paperback, 108 pp

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