Reincarnation and Immortality by Swami Paramananda


Reincarnation and Immortality by Swami Paramananda

Reincarnation and Immortality by Swami Paramananda

‘Reincarnation and Immortality’ addresses the age old questions about whether individual life continues after the event that we call death and what the life beyond is like. Swami Paramananda illuminates the differences between fate, destiny and the harvest field of life based upon a clear understanding of the Law of Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect. He also gives guidance on overcoming the fear of death. Swami Paramananda (1884-1940) was only 22 years old when he came to America from India in 1906. He founded the Vedanta Centre of Boston and stayed over 30 years until his passing in 1940. He was a disciple of Swami Vivekananda.

Paperback, 94 pp

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